古典吧>英语词典>rumble on翻译和用法

rumble on

英 [ˈrʌmbl ɒn]

美 [ˈrʌmbl ɑːn]



  • The investigation may rumble on for another six or so months before formal charges are laid.
  • The rumble motor can be turned on and off and the intensity can be changed.
  • The sound made her belly rumble, but she had no nets to snare them with, and so far she had not come on any nests.
  • This started a debate that will rumble on into the autumn, when Californians may vote on a proposed law legalizing euthanasia.
  • At night, the rumble of the trucks on the street made us unable to fall asleep.
  • A distant flash, a low rumble, and large drops of rain spattered on the thatch above him.
  • The thunder reverberating across the sky was louder now, but more leisurely, like the subdued rumble of a night-soil cart on its early-morning rounds.
  • The Earth may shake and rumble, but we will be taking note of the affects it may have on its surroundings.
  • Finally, this paper gave some advises to improve traffic safety, including designing path landscape reasonable, installation rumble strips on the road shoulder, spray coating slowdown stripe on the surface and so on.